Testimonials from Past KWC India Immersion Program (IIP) Participants
“We’ve been quite privileged in terms of the minds we’ve encountered in India. We’ve learned from startups all-stars, non-profit gurus, policy experts and infrastructure executives and (seemingly) every other sect along the way. All of their insights have crafted a far-reaching and in-deep view of what India has to offer – both its challenges and opportunities. The country seems to be at a crossroads with an infinite number of paths to follow.”
“It’s a trip that has actually changed the way I think… The fact that things don’t always make sense, or at least make sense according to what we are used to, is a powerful lesson for an MBA, who by nature wants to categorize, analyze, and generally tries to use/make complex situations simple enough to solve… India is India, and like many things in life, just needs to be accepted as it is. And it is wonderful! ”
“I am grateful to have seen both the potential and the challenges that India possesses, as it provides a deeper understanding of the country.”
“There is so much more to this wonderful country and there is nothing I could put in words that would come close to representing what I felt and experienced in India. If you’ve never been to India, you must go. If you’ve been there before, you must go back. The soul of the country is so vast and welcoming – and there is so much to uncover. My time there is not over, I will return one day soon to continue discovering how Incredible India really is. As we were reminded during our corporate visits over and over again, the country’s economy will continue to grow and prosper as each day passes – “In India, my tomorrow is always better than my yesterday.” I look forward to my return.”