All 4th year B.Tech/BE/BSc(Tech)/Integrated M.Tech/ME students from all MHRD/AICTE approved institutionsand universities.
Guidelines for submission
- The submissions should be made online after registering
- Only one entry per student is allowed.
- The submission should be up to a maximum of 3500 words (special characters included) in text format with Figures, tables, charts and photographs (if any) as attachments. Maximum of 2 attachments are allowed of 1 MB each.
- All entries should be in Times New Roman font of size 12 pt with double line spacing.
- The candidate must certify the originality of the essay submitted.
- The Competition is open for submission of essay online from December 11, 2017, 12:00 am -February 28, 2018 till 11:59 pm.
After initial evaluation, shortlisted candidates will be notified and need to provide endorsement from Head of Institute. ISCE reserves the right to reject application of shortlisted candidates if the student fails to provide authentication.